Bartels Sport Service


Build the query with a simple SQL format

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Every Coach has a different opinion from tactic analysis, for this possibility you can build your own query. Now everybody can decide individualy which scene is important and therefor enabling you to focus on your priorites. There are some ready-made queries, which consist of standard questions from the developer. If the customer wants some ready-made queries, there will be an opportunity to program them in the `Timeline´ from the software.

In the following picture you can see how the query looks like. In the pop-up called "Auswahl" you can write your query. There are some opportunities to use it the best way. You have many opportunities to build the query for example:

  • Eventtype

  • Event/Possession time

  • Halftime

  • Minute of play

  • Score

  • Teampossession

  • Individual possession (Playersname and Team)

  • Distance to the offside line

These are the normal opportunities, but there are some special ones like:

  • STR (Striker Reachable Players, Striker Reachable at the offside line, checked significance)

  • LRP (Local Reachable Players, direct neighbors)

  • SRP (Support Reachable Players, with centrality rating)

  • STA (Striker Availability)


That you can understand the query better here are some examples:

For examples we will take the game FC Bayern München vs. FC Schalke 04 from 23. gameday out of the season 2013/2014. We are searching for scenes, where the time is greater or equal 1.0 second after the 30th minute.

Now the following query looks like:

`SELECT * FROM IBC TimeRange>=1.0 AND Minute>=30;´

There you can see the first result with the scences where the players have a term greater or equal 1.0 second after the 30th minute. On the pop-up "Spielfeldanzeige" you can see all possible passes.

To connect the query with the player Bastian Schweinsteiger we have to put in `Indi.Possession.LastName="Schweinsteiger"´.

It is the same query just with the player Bastian Schweinsteiger.

Here is the query:

`SELECT * FROM IBC WHERE TimeRange>=1.0 AND Minute>=30 AND Indi.Possession.LastName="Schweinsteiger";´

Another example:

We are looking for every freekick from FC Bayern München. at a freekick you do not have a ball control so we have to put `Events´ instead of `IBC´ in the query.

Now the following query looks like:

`SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE EventType="FreeKick" AND TeamPossession="home";´

We will build the query and extend it, that you just can see freekicks from the hometeam between the 40th minute and 60th minute.

Here is the query:

`SELECT * FROM EVENTS WHERE EventType="FreeKick" AND TeamPossession="home" AND Minute>=40 AND Minute<=60;´

The last example:

We are searching for scenes where the own player steals the ball. If you steal the ball it is a individualballcontrol. We have to put in IBC and we will take the player Bastian Schweinsteiger again.

The last query looks like:

`SELECT * FROM IBC WHERE TeamPossession="home" AND IndiPossession.LastName="Schweinsteiger" AND TimeRange>=1.0 AND PRECEDING(TeamPossesion="away";´

If you want more information about the software and want to study how the software works here you can find the User Guide from the Football SupportTM Software.