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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: User Language Sources :: Download and Installation
BAE User Language Source Updates

Download and Installation Instructions

Bartels AutoEngineer® Support

The User Language sources provided in the BAE Support Area are designed for the next BAE version to be released. For the convenience of our customers, we try to keep these sources compatible to BAE Version 7.4. I.e., unless otherwise mentioned, you are able to compile and use these User Language programs with BAE Version 7.4. However, we strongly recommend to refrain from downloading these sources directly to your BAE Version 7.4 User Language directory since substantial changes are due to be made to the User Language include files, and mixing these files with BAE Version 7.4 sources might result in problems when trying to (re-)compile either old User Language programs with new include files or new User Language programs with old include files.

We would like to advise you to follow these instructions if this is your first download access to this section since installing BAE Version 7.4:

  1. Create a new directory named ulcnew on your hard disk and copy the contents of your current BAE User Language source directory to ulcnew.
  2. Download the new User Language include files to the ulcnew directory since these are required for compiling any other new User Language program to be downloaded from the Support Area.

To install a certain User Language program to your BAE software, simply download the corresponding source file to the ulcnew User Language directory by clicking the appropriate link. If the program's compatibility notes mention additional sources and/or programs to be required, please download these sources as well. After successfully downloading the source code file(s), please run the User Language Compiler to compile the downloaded program(s). E.g., to install the ssympatt User Language program, click the corresponding link for downloading and saving the source code file ssympatt.ulc to the ulcnew directory on your hard disk and enter the following User Language Compiler call to an MS-DOS and/or Linux/Unix shell prompt from the ulcnew directory to compile the program:

ulc ssympatt -o

The -o switch activates the Optimizer. Please make sure to use the latest User Language Compiler version.

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: User Language Sources :: Download and Installation

Download and Installation Instructions
© 1985-2024 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 21 October 2009, 10:36 [UTC]

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